Productivity Tool

Welcome to your firm’s tax department.

Not all firms are situated with a The Best tax department. We are assembled to be there for you to help you serve well your clients. Tax research services for accountants and attorneys. We can answer tax questions, provide some guidance and lay out choices for the clients to decide the direction they want to go. Your firm can have a tax department without paying rent, salaries, benefits, overtime pay. Just hook us up and we can be your tax department.

You can specialize in other things; we can run the tax department and provide you with seamless information.

Productivity Tool

Optimum TAX Productivity Tool

Drive productivity; team with OTRC to create solid tax research for your files. We are the most important research tool for legal professionals.

Some firms use us as their tax department. Some firms have a tax department but wisely know how much time can be wasted while partners and staff are conducting in house tax research.

New tax law changes are difficult to stay on top of. Future tax law changes may not be known to the practitioner while we watch the trends and the tax law change issues develop in Washington DC.

We have been analyzing and reporting on tax law changes since 1976.

Sometimes IRS provides wrong answers during audit or as part of the audit outcome. Here is a way to overpower their conclusions by showing a OTRC report that cites the statute, regulations and judicial decisions helping you prove your point on an important topic and saving client fees they would encounter by a trip to Appeals or an appearance in the tax courts.

Sometimes IRS provides wrong answers during audit, let us set the record straight about the deductibility of your issue. Don’t get misled again!

Tax research is a process that cannot be hurried. We pinpoint the statute and support it with Federal tax cases after considering all of the facts and surrounding circumstances followed by suggestions and explanations in how to properly structure your transactions.

IRS tax publications may be bias toward the Governments view and may not reveal traditional tax planning steps and opportunities.

Generally the Courts do not hold the IRS to what it says in its publications and instructions, see Wilkes v. United States.

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Trying to do this yourself may be hazardous if you are not versed in conducting thorough tax research. The law is so complex that you may come up with what you thought was the right answer, but upon audit you find out that you missed part of the concept that now turns the issue into a situation where the client has to pay.

Use our research to show to the IRS to explain your position on the matter. We can support not only your tax research efforts but we can also support you when you are handling an IRS audit or IRS appeal.Use our research and analysis as part of your brief to the Tax Court or Federal District Court.

Our professionals have years of experience in dealing with tax controversy at all levels in each of the Federal Courts that hear tax matters.

Waste time no longer! Allow a subcontractor to support your services. Then you can supply our report and answers to incorporate into your dealings with tax issues. No more staff wheel spinning, spending hours and hours trying to do research while their efforts turn up to be incomplete and off track at the end of all that time.

Take our report and then use a multiple to pass the cost along to your client, while you look like the shining knight when you present your information to your client.

At times it is important to know what you don’t know.